The Depth of Market Pull/Stack Columns accumulate the orders being added or removed by both passive buyers or sellers to gauge their in the moment interests
Being able to track the interest of passive participation across certain prices is helpful to monitoring prices that could be passively defended. This column can be activated by either the settings menu or by right clicking near the top of the DOM and navigating through the Table View dropdown from which you can check on the Pull/Stack Bid, Pull/Stack Ask, and a Merged of the two.
We can customize these columns through the settings menu on the columns dropdown found there to change the P/S Columns by
-The Font color of the Text and its Alignment
-The Background of the entire column
-The Background of the Highlight to track current best bid or ask
To further customize this feature of the Depth of Market we head into the settings menu under the General section.
From within here you would adjust how many levels of depth you’d like shown even further than what’s found in the resting bid/asks if you so choose, you can choose to exclude irrelevant size below your chosen filter of orders being added or removed, and lastly the P/S columns run on an internal reset based on the set time since the last reset occurred.